How to Split and Merge Tickets

As we already clarified, only the end-user can start a conversation. But what if the end-user wants to open a new ticket while discussing a different ticket? Every message sent while the current ticket isn’t resolved will appear as a message in the ongoing ticket. So we came up with a solution, the Split ticket feature solves the problem.

With Split tickets, agent can select messages which belong to other conversations and create a new ticket for those messages. Any ticket that was created by the Split feature should be the only active conversation.


On the other hand, with Merge tickets, you’re able to put together conversations from two different tickets. There are options to merge into that ticket or to create a new merged ticket. All messages from tickets you’ve chosen are merged into a single conversation that now has the entire context of that request. You can select Omnichat Merge or Split option in the action button in the right upper corner.